Het kromme groente en fruit speelgoed gaat internationaal! Want na het grote succes in Nederland wordt het hoogtijd dat we wereldwijd kids fan gaan maken van krom. Lees hieronder het persbericht dat vandaag de wijde wereld wordt ingestuurd. En check ook hoe onze kromme helden tot leven komen in de enige echte wonky lanceringsvideo!


Press release: Kromkommer & PlanToys Launch Wonky Fruit and Vegetables Playset

Two-legged carrots, heart-shaped tomatoes and curvy cucumbers. Many fruits and vegetables are wasted simply because they aren’t pretty enough – yet there is nothing wrong with the taste. How twisted! To change the way people think about the quality of fruit and vegetables, social enterprise Kromkommer and sustainable toy brand PlanToys launch the Wonky Fruit and Vegetables playset.

Food waste is one of the most pressing issues of our time. The FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) estimates that one-third of all the food in the world is wasted. This equates to be 1.3 billion tons of food per year. For fruit and vegetables specifically, almost half of it will never reach our plate. One of the main causes for this is the extreme focus on the aesthetic appearance of produce.

Equal rights for all fruit and vegetables
The Dutch social enterprise Kromkommer was founded in 2012 and ever since has been on a mission to achieve equal rights for all fruit and vegetables. Kromkommer believes that we should embrace all fruit and vegetables, regardless of looks. The perfectly imperfect ones should end up on our plates and not in the trash bin. To achieve this, they attempt to spread the love for “wonky” produce among as many people as possible. They do so with, for example, a delicious line of wonky vegetable soups. But, to take the next step and also involve the little ones, they reached out to PlanToys. 

PlanToys is a high-quality toy brand based in Thailand that produces toys in a sustainable and fair way made from wood of rubber trees that are no longer producing rubber. Kromkommer and PlanToys share a vision for a more sustainable world with less waste. By working together, they developed the Wonky Fruit and Vegetables playset. With these toys, children experience the beauty and diversity of wonky fruit and vegetables.

The Wonky Fruit and Vegetables playset
Meet Carl Carrot, Peter Pear, Adam Apple, Tammy Tomato Heart and Curly Cucumber. This perfectly imperfect bunch shows kids the beauty and diversity of wonky fruit and veggies. Kids can cut them up with the wooden knife that comes with the playset and then stick them back together. In the playset box, the story of Carl Carrot is included, and it can be used by parents to teach children about wonky fruit and vegetables and food waste.

The toys are made from PlanWood, a unique material composed of leftover sawdust from toy production, natural glue and organic pigments. By using this material, the toys themselves are also contributing to less waste.

Kromkommer launched the Wonky Fruit and Vegetables playset in October 2018, in the Netherlands with a successful crowd funding campaign. Now, it is finally time to bring the wonky heroes to the attention of little kids in the rest of the world. Since March 2019, the playset is available for sale in all PlanToys countries worldwide. Go to plantoys.com to find where you can purchase a wonky playset nearby.

Here you can read more about Kromkommer.


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Onze supertoffe lanceringsvideo is gemaakt door de helden van Redrum.